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Milton on TV- Introducing Kids to New Foods

Milton the Mealtime Companion was recently featured on TV at NBC affiliate KDTV in South Dakota! We are very grateful to Andrea Boerigter, aka The Speech Mom, for showcasing Milton during a segment about how to introduce kids to new types of foods. Click here or on the image below to watch the clip and get some ideas on how to encourage your child when it comes to exploring new foods (including sushi!):
As any parent of a young child knows, getting little ones to try new foods can be more than a challenge sometimes. During the segment, Andrea talks about two products that are great for introducing kids to new foods. One of them is Milton the Mealtime Companion (surprise!) and the other is Bloom Box. If you haven’t heard of Bloom Box and you have a little one at home…read on!
Bloom Box is “A Monthly Rental Program Enhancing Child Development Through Play”. Each month, parents who subscribe get a Bloom Box full of toys carefully curated to help develop their child’s language, cognitive, social, fine motor, and sensory skills. And just like Milton, the Bloom Boxes are a ton of fun for the child, keeping them engaged all month long. When the month is up, you ship it back and receive another Bloom Box with a different theme. You can learn more at

By bringing play and fun into the picture, new sensory experiences such as touching/smelling/eating new foods can become much more enjoyable for both your little one and you the parent. If you find yourself asking “how can I help my picky eater” or “how should i encourage trying new foods”, consider adding a little fun into the mix with products like Milton and Bloom Box.